The new issue of FF is #642. Given the last issue of FF was #14, there is a little work required to figure out where we are.
Rumours abound that Marvel is abandoning the FF because of movie rights issues between Marvel Studios and Sony.
Earlier, I did a post on FF #600, here is the update for #642.
"Volumes" become odd when Marvel decides to re-number.
You could consider Fantastic Four (2004) to be Volume 1, as the numbering returns, with a similar story for Fantastic Four (2011) - it also can be considered a return to Volume 1.
Volume 2 was the ill-fated "Heroes Reborn" experiment with Volume 3 the "Heroes Return" to the 616 Universe.
Volume 3 had "double numbering" starting with issue #42 (Volume 3 - aka 471 in Volume 1 numbering), so they did acknowledge issue #500 with the 71st issue of Volume 3 (in fact, with issue #500, the "old" numbering was primary, with the Volume 3 numbering secondary - a reversal of issues #43 to #70 where the Volume 3 numbering was primary and the "old" secondary).
Volume 4 was a re-set to "old" numbering, story continued from Volume 3.
Volume 5 is the re-set to Fantastic Four, from the end of Volume 4 plus the first 11 issues of FF (2011).
The oddity is that FF (2011) still continues, and has its own #12 and onward.
Volume 5 ran from issue #600 to issue #611.
Volume 6, Fantastic Four (2012) starts over with a new #1, as has FF (2012). Fantastic Four (2012) ran 16 issues and was "reborn" as Fantastic Four (2014) in Marvel Now, with (surprise, surprise) a new #1. FF(2012), ran 16 issues but doesn't seem to factor into the Fantastic Four numbering.
Add up all "Fantastic Four" issues, add in the first 11 FF (2011) issues, an you end up at Fantastic Four (1961) issue # 641. Thus, the next issue is #642, which came out this week (Jan 21, 2015).
Series |
Issues |
Issues |
F4" Numbering |
Four (1961) V1 |
1-416 |
416 |
1-416 |
Four (1996) V2 |
1-13 |
13 |
417-429 |
Four (1998) V3 |
1-79 |
79 |
430-508 |
Four (2004) V4 |
509-588 |
80 |
509-588 |
(2011) V1 |
1-11 |
11 |
589-599 |
Four (2011) V5 |
600-611 |
12 |
600-611 |
Four (2012) V6 |
1-16 |
16 |
612-627 |
Marvel NOW Fantastic Four (2014) V7 |
1-14 |
14 |
628-641 |
Fantastic Four (2015) V8 |
642-645 |
642-645 |
Issues |
Issues |
Total Issues |
Total "FF" |
(2011) |
1-23 |
23 |
1-23 |
FF (2012) |
1-16 |
16 |
24-39 |
Fantastic Four (1961) #1 |
Fantastic Four (1996) #1 |
Fantastic Four (1998) #1 |
Fantastic Four (2004) #509 |
FF (2011) #1 (first 11 issues "count" in Fantastic Four issue numbering) |
Fantastic Four (2011) #600 |
Fantastic Four (2012) #1 |
Fantastic Four (2014) #1 |
Fantastic Four (2015) #642 |
Fantastic Four (2015) #645 |
FF (2012) #1 (not included in counts)